One of the most engrossing experiences in the history of interactive entertainment.

User Rating: 10 | BioShock X360
Let me be honest: Looking at the previews for this game, I wasn't very interested. A FPS set in a weird world, strange weapons, hacking turrets and first-aid stations?! "Not my type of game" I thought to myself. For the most part, I love military-style shooters (Gears Of War, Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six Vegas). Then, as the buzz increased, I payed a little more attention, and considered buying it. After all, I hadn't played a real good 360 game in months. If you are on the fence for these reasons, I encourage you, BUY THIS GAME TODAY. You're probably familiar with the story and gameplay, so I will not bother much with those in this review. Let me just cut right to the chase: In my many years of gaming, I have never played a game that was this much of an experience. I stress the word experience. I wouldn't hesitate to say Bioshock transcends "videogames" as we know them. Don't get me wrong, the gameplay itself is top-shelf. But this game is incredibly immersive. When you're playing Bioshock, you certainly don't think about the fact that you're playing a video game. It is not only easily one of the best games ever made (go ahead, read that again), it is also easily one of the most painstakingly made. It's obvious a lot of care went into every aspect of this game, and it is almost completely seamless. It was a labor of people who loved games. It is not perfect - The last 2 (in a 20+ hour game, mind you) hours are a little weak; the final boss is far too easy, and the ending lame, short, and unfilfulling. But it's a petty complaint that cannot overshadow this towering achievement that may change your perspective on gaming forever.

Highest recommendation possible.