An amazingly good game, with a fascinating story and good gameplay, that does the right things in the right places. But.

User Rating: 9 | BioShock Infinite PS3
Bioshock Infinite did an amazing job of sucking me in with an engrossing story and engaging gameplay. It is one of the prettiest games that I have ever played and, even though I am not a graphics snob, the beauty and realism only added to the atmosphere. For ~20 hours it owned my life.

I still don't know if I liked the game or not.

The story in Bioshock (no spoilers) is deep and engrossing and thought-provoking...and sad and disturbing and heart-wrenching. If I were judging this game only on gameplay and graphics, it would still be a 9. I am not, however, as I believe that it is the story that holds the game together for something like a BI. And it's still a 9, even though I don't know that I liked it, because that story was so intriguing and well-done that it created an emotional response (the goal of all good stories), even if it wasn't entirely positive.

Is Bioshock Infinite a "must play?" I don't know.

Am I glad that I played it? Yes.

Will I ever play it again? I will have to wait and see.