Visually stunning, excellent character development ... much, much too short.

User Rating: 7.5 | BioShock Infinite X360
Bioshock Infinite is an absolutely stunning visual experience. The opening scene alone is mesmerizing in the artistry, serenity and calm. Columbia is artfully created and bright, unlike the dark depths of Rapture.

Booker and Elizabeth are an interesting compliment to each other and it's great to see them change as the game progresses. But let's be frank, we've waiting for 3 years for Infinite to come out. Twenty hours later, I'm done. Seriously. I explored everywhere and took my time but it was done and over with q.u.i.c.k.l.y. I kept thinking 'This is the end .. really?!? I know I played Bioshock 1 and 2 for a LOT longer.'

It's hard not to compare this franchise against Assassin's Creed. Both are incredibly successful and rich in design. However AC3 took a much longer time to complete. Granted, this is partially due to massive number of video vignettes that connects the storyline. Do I think Infinite should have gone that route? NO! I just wanted the story to develop more in depth and to be longer overall.

Hopefully the DLC will be coming soon.