A fitting end

User Rating: 7 | BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode Two X360

The sound track kind of takes a back seat to the stellar voice acting through out.

A few minor bugs but nothing major. Kind of recycles the previous settings of the previous Burial at Sea along with Columbia. Doesn't look bad at all but it definitely lost the luster with nothing really new added.

Game Play:
Burial at Sea 2 is all about stealth and avoiding enemy conflict. It's a change up from previous games and it's quite interesting to play through. Melee attacks do no damage and the crossbow bolts are normally just used for distraction.

The story ties in perfectly with the main game and caps off a fitting end to the franchise. Even when you think you figured her out, Elizabeth adds another dimension of character. Lock picking is once again a pretty needless addition. Another needless addition was having vending machines and mods for vigors, I didn't use a machine the entire DLC and the mods were kind of pointless. The end of the game is kind of anti-climactic, It ends perfectly but there's no last hooray or anything, It just kind of ends.

Overall: 7/10
I think parts of the game would have been better but story wise, It rivals that of the main games of the Bioshock series. I'd love to play a whole game as Elizabeth because she's such a compelling character.