A great game with few faults but.....

User Rating: 8.5 | BioShock 2 X360
Rapture is back but this time instead of being jack who we saw off in the first game we are one of rapture's big daddies. What makes us so special? Well we were the first big daddy ever made now i don't want to reveal to much about the story so let me keep it short and sweet you were knocked out back in rapture's good day's and your little girl was taken. Now having woken up in the rapture we all know you're out to get her back and figure out what happened. Rapture pretty much looks the same as the one we last left but 2K games has crammed it full of new stuff. Like your average big daddy you are armed with drill and rivet gun and a plethora of your average weapons from the first game along with a new spear gun and the dreaded camera is back which now records your fight so you can score bigger points toward researching. And what would a bioshock game be without little sisters? you still get them in the same way, killing their big daddy, but now instead of harvesting or saving them you can carry them around on their shoulders and find them corpses to drain. While the girl retrieves the adam you have to defend her from splicers who are mostly the same from the first game other then 1 or 2 new ones. But most likely the biggest thing about the game is the big sisters who appear after you rescue enough of the little ones and make some of the best fights in the game. You are given a short amount to prepare before she arrives so you can come up with a plan and plant a few traps. Another new part of the game is the multiplayer which follow most other games in the sense that you participate in random games against other players, gain xp, level up (a total of 40 levels), and gain new weapons/plasmids. you also learn more about your character (who you get to choose from a total of 6 different people (an extra two if you preordered and another two from the dlc) and as you level up your character becomes more and more spliced until he's just another splicer. Plasmids are mostly the same as the last game with the sole difference that you can level them up using adam from chucking fireballs to having a jet of flame erupt from your hand like a flame thrower. My personal favorite is the multiplayer exclusive Houdini plasmid which you don't gain till a high level. With the Houdini plasmid you can become near unseeable sneak up to your enemy pump a few shells into them with your shotgun and sneak away again.

Now the reason i didn't think it was perfect is it didnt blow me away like bioshock did. Bioshock had a very powerful story and it looked very unique but bioshock 2 looks all the same and it didnt have such powerful moments like the first one did (people who played bioshock should know what event im mostly referencing). All though it wasn't as ground breaking as the first game it's still fairly good and i highly suggest buying this game if you get the chance.