While a very good game, Bioshock 2 never reaches the levels of greatness that it's predecessor did

User Rating: 8 | BioShock 2 X360
Bioshock 2 was a bit of a disappointment. It was more like Bioshock 1 1/2. This game, while very enjoyable and well made, did not reach the same level of greatenss as the original Bioshock. There is no "Would you kindly" moment in this game. The story and emotional impact from the first game are lacking in Bioshock 2. However, all that being said, Bioshock 2 is still a very well made and enjoyable game. The enemies, settings, plasmids, weapons upgrades are all still very fun to deal with. The graphics and sound are top notch. The story, in a stand alone game, would be very good, but in comparison to the first game, this is were Bioshock 2 disappoints the most. I would like to have seen more development on just who you were and where you game from, but this is only fleetingly addressed.