Never played the old one? Always wanting to? Download the updated version, you wont be dissapointed.

User Rating: 9 | Bionic Commando: Rearmed PS3
Being a person who never played the original I cannot claim anything about how accurate the game is to the original, but I can still tell you, it freaking rocks dude!

The updated graphics make for a more enjoyable experience than what it could've been back then but its the platforming that really makes the game shine. Never have I had more trouble, and still be so interested in swinging around with a chain from spot to spot. being a very basic old school platformer theres not much to do in the levels besides run, shoot, jump but thats not all there is to the game.
The boss fights are what really make the game shine for me, and the unlockables. Tucked away in difficult corners that take some serious grapple and swing skills are awesome weapon upgrades and other assorted upgrades scattered about.
The boss fights are what makes the stress of the levels worth it to me. They are rather challenging. The first boss will have you swinging up a few platforms to grapple some barrels, use them as a sheild and try to nail the ship with it to have it land on the ground temporarily so you can blast out the back burners on that Bizzantch.
When your looking at the level map itself you can come across some trouble before even getting into a level and this is something I enjoyed alot, even tho its very repetitve and simple. On the level map you will see little purple trucks that move one space when you do. Bump into one on the same square and there will be trouble in river city.
You will be sent to a top down 2d enviornment with some beatiful graphics and you will have to eliminate all soldiers and the main tank to get back to the game. It sounds like something that would pull you out of the mood of the game but it gives it a second view on the game, and keeps things interesting.

All in all, having never played the first bionic commando, and never seen it played, I couldnt be happier with a $10 download. Its enjoyable, has a good sense of humor in the demo, its downloadable from the demo main menu and takes a quick second to install should you choose to purchase the full game. It has fun boss fights that will keep you swinging and shooting, weapon upgrades, and even secret unlocks for the actual retail copy of the current gen new title coming out this year. Next time that $60 game makes you angry and you wish games were cheaper, check the playstation store and download yourself a copy of bionic commando re-armed.