Everything the original game was and more! Should be played by all... Great memories it brings.

User Rating: 9 | Bionic Commando: Rearmed PC
When i heard about it I was at begging kinda suspicious... Remakes never work well. But i must say I was wrong.


It is not like the Original for NES , it doesn't use Sprites, it actually uses 3D models. After a research it is the Diesel engine, the one that they are using to make Bionic Commando (the 3d version) They just fixed the camera so it would be a 2d side scrolling game. And it was well chosen it feels more like the orginal one. This game also features great physix, you might laugh at me, but when you try it you will say the same. Explosions, and things like that are so nice... In the map mode, when you are travelling on your helicopter, if you get at same place as one enemy truck, you have to fight enemies before continue. and now it is a 3Dish view but from above, you cant use your grappling hook to grapple somewhere, but as it is more difficult now, because you need to rotate etc, you do a 360 turn with the grapple which sends back the bullets and pusshes the enemies if touch. Great I must say. Impressive and Creative. You dont see something like that everyday.


Holy mother of god. Remember playing BC on Nes? That music that after a while kills you? well this time, we have lots , but they dont kill you, they kill the enemie, the songs give me some kind of Inspiration, In which I play better then usual. The explosions, Gunshots, and SFX are also very damn good.I must say this game has more than lots of others out there.


Well it is not easy to play this game after being so used to FPS and other styles. But after a while you can "master" it , and can get a better experience. It is better on Keyboard than on gamepad thats for sure ( unless you get a USB-NES-Controller ) but there are only 2 buttons, so we couldnt really use grenades, change our weapons etc. It is also a very good feeling that now we can change weapons while we play. We also nice grenades. The ability to pull the stuff and throw at enemies.


I must say I am very surprized with this game, it is everything the original was, but, it improves everything at the same time. It also gives you a Co-op Mode ( too bad we cant play it online , it is just Local) it gives you challenge rooms, so after you finish it ( If you finish it ) you can play even more. Plus additional updates will come for the PC Version ( HAHA Take that you console noobs ).

My Scores:

Graphics: 10/10
Sound: 9/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Originality: 7/10

You ask Graphic 10, and start screaming its 2D we are now in 3d bla bla. That is all bullsh*t. You see I do not enjoy games with graphics-only, I will not name, but people know which games are. This game has some kind of 2D graphics, but they are the best 2D graphics, maybe because of the fact they use 3D models.
The soundtrack is pretty obvious it is good. Nuff said
Gameplay is awesome we cannot change that fact, it deserves the score I gave. It is also better then many of those games we play today.
Originality is 7, you ask why so much because it is a remake. I couldn't give more than that because of that small fact. But this game brings new bosses, new weapons new areas, challenge mode, co-op playing. Overall it deserves a 7.

Final Score is a 9

Final note: Play this game or die