Watch out spidey, there's a guy with a wierd hand thingy coming at ya!

User Rating: 9 | Bionic Commando: Rearmed X360
Bionic Commando was my favorite game as a kid. I looked for other 8bit games to give me the same feeling of fun with terrific graphics, but was never quite as satisfied as when I was playing BC.

Here a dozen or so years later and a remake rolls around. The mere mention of a remake got me to play the original again and got me convinced that it was indeed a fun game. There were two things for sure, when they talked of an updated remake, I was going to get it, and the bar was set high as far as quality. I wasn't going to take a simple port and be happy with it.

I usually hate writing a review after a short playthough, but I can honestly say that much of the game has changed; and most of it for the best. I thought that the few bosses I played were a bit too easy, the controls could have been a little more analog friendly. But overall the fun factor is still there, and the overall feel of the game was well preserved even if it has been updated.