OMG!! This is simply the second best game ever!

User Rating: 9.2 | Bio Menace Episode 1 - Dr. Mangle's Lab PC
Why is this? I'll tell you!
Remember Duke Nukem before his 3-D adventures? Well, this is basically Duke Nukem in 2-D and it kicks! You get guns to fire at your enemy, grenades to blow their guts inside out and awsome moves! Run and jump and shoot your way through hordes of aliens who are looking to kill you into a "skeleton" (which Snake Logan (the main character) turns into when he dies!). And the challenge is PERFECTION!
The sound's okay. But, the music? Genius! I wish I could find the Bio-Menace "The City" song (either in ORIGINAL or MIDI format!!). Simply music to the ears! Lol!
Even by TODAY'S standards this game is graphically enhanced! You'll see guts, blood and awsome guns! 'Nuff said!
OMG!! You can play this game over and over and over and almost NEVER do the same thing twice! Like Hot Shots Golf, you'll want to play it over and over, again!
My opinion:
Try finding it and use and OLD OS with DOS!