Bill and Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure is actually one of the few Ljn games that's solid besides The Karate Kid.

User Rating: 6.5 | Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure NES
The Good:
A solid adaption or continuation of the 1989 film it's based on. You can play as either Ted or Bill, depending on the level. Time traveling phone booth is included in this game. Unique 8-bit soundtrack.

The Bad:
Could've had some description on what you need to do. Bill and Ted could've had facial animation.

Rufus reminds Bill and Ted that they must bring historical dudes back to their own time for a school exam (or a concert?).

Game play:
A top-down view perspective with free roaming game play, similar to the 2D Grand Theft Auto games. You play as either Ted or Bill, depending on the level, and track down historical figures (or dudes) at each time period with the use of the "Phone Booth Time Machine''. While using the phone booth, you must save coins in order for it to operate or else you'll have to collect more around the time period you're on. The historical dudes will not go with you unless you have an item for them as a gift. Items are hidden in secret places. Speaking of items, you're weapons are: Pudding, Fire Crackers, Explosive Textbooks and Tunes. When you talk to a person press A for choosing a response and press B for the response you want to use.

Bill and Ted look excellent for 8-bit. The characters and enemies you meet along the way look good as well. Environments are nice.
Level design is alright.

D-pad for moving. A for jumping. B for throwing a projectile.

Lasting Appeal:
Bill and Ted is one of the few Ljn games that are actually solid besides "The Karate Kid'' 6.5 out of 10