Like Ed Wood's "Plan 9 From Outer Space", this is an absolute disaster.

User Rating: 1 | Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing PC
I remember getting this game for Christmas some years ago. At the time, I was really into computer gaming. And when I got this, I thought it would be one of the most entertaining games ever to be created, if not the best.

I was dead wrong.

As I was playing this game, I saw it all: the fact you could never lose,* the disregard of the laws of physics, and the dreaded "YOU'RE WINNER" trophy. Plus, there was one level that crashes the game when you try to play it. I didn't exactly try it, but apparently, when you reverse, you can go at eight billion miles per hour.

At first, I didn't really care if this was truly an awful game. But when I saw the Wikipedia article and the video of Alex Navarro playing it,** everything certainly changed. Both have convinced me that this is truly one of the worst games ever made.

I don't think I have the game anymore, and frankly, I'm happy about it. But what surprises me is that--and this is from the Wikipedia article I mentioned earlier--this game actually SOLD copies (nearly TWENTY-THOUSAND, to be exact). I am also surprised to see that some users on this site would actually LIKE this game and give it high ratings.*** Honestly, I have not much else to say for this game, except this: if you see it in a game store, don't buy it.

And that concludes Psychid's review for "Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing", the game that is so bad, it makes games such as "Superman 64" and "Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust" look godly and entertaining.

*It may seem fun at first, but trust me: it's not.
**I feel sorry for the guy.
***I pity them.