AWESOME game, add it to your list. at $20 its a steal

User Rating: 10 | Big Bang Mini DS
I first played this game on my friends DS and got instantly hooked. ALL the levels are fun and can be very difficult, there is a good challenge to this game especially the fact you have to beat ALL of a mode to unlock another. Plus the bonus levels are fun and difficult. I have been playing this game A LOT lately, the graphics are cool and I love the relax mode because you can just watch your fireworks go off. Its like 4th of July all over again, but in your hands :D

Never heard of Arkedo but damn did they do a good job on this game, I wouldnt mind seeing some more shooting games like this coming out for the DS.

This game is great all together, it is a MUST buy.... If you can find it somewhere, I doubt that it is on the trade in section of games either. So just buy it if you find it, come on its ONLY $20 ;)