big bang mini is beautifuly made game with awesome bosses and dead-on controls. its a great value for $20 as well.

User Rating: 9.5 | Big Bang Mini DS
I just got big bang mini yesterday, and im only about 3/4 through the arcade mode (i played it all night last night and picked it up again at 7:15 this morning) so i can't write a perfect review on it, but i guess if my impression of this game changes, then ill ammend this review accordingly.

the first thing that will strike you about big bang mini is the beautifuly designed visuals and really cool music (and that's just in the opening scenes!) a quick tutorial will teach you the fundamentals of the game, and they are pretty simple: all you have to do is move your little triangular spaceship around (on the touch screen) and shoot fireworks at enemies that fly by (they are on the top screen). every time you shoot a bad guy he drops a star and you have to catch it to fill up your meter, once you meter is filled you get to progress to the next part of the level.

...and just wait till you get to the bosses! they are hilarious in the way they are designed and very challenging, even once you decode their pattern and beat them, you will want to fight them again and again just for the joy of it

now if you read my review and you think that bbm sound more like a well-made mini game than an actual full fledged shooter, please check out some screenshots and some videos of this game, because it really is an amazing game. there is plenty of media on gamespot about big bang, and if you dont believe me, check it out, because you wont be sorry!

the fact that a game this original and fun costs way less than the competition's tired and repetitive games is another reason to go out and get it. hell, with developers like southpeak games churining out great quality games like big bang mini and ninjatown, and selling them for 20 bucks, other developers might just have to think about lowering their prices as well, and that would be awesome for all of us broke gamers for whom 10 or 20 bucks makes a big difference.
