WOW! ~ First game I played that makes me feel as though I am violating my Nintendo DS!! a good way that is!

User Rating: 8 | Big Bang Mini DS
You have to be a Super Stroker to play this! This game will make you stroke your DS faster then any game out there! ...All the while, actually making you think quickly and manuver and defend yourself. I have yet to play a game on my Nintendo DS that reminds me of old-school games like R-Type and Rez but be so much diffrent and unique. I enjoy the way this game seems to incorperate a suttle music making shooter feature, old-school shooter dodgeing, fire works, a bag of Skittles, stylus stroking and a shlew of other things.

My main problem with this game is that I have a hard time holding the DS in my left hand, using the stylus in my right hand, hitting the shoulder button with my finger and watching both screens... It kind of is overwhellming...

Overall, get it! It's a whole lot of fun and it's really challenging.... maybe a little to much at times but for the most part, I think with some good practice, a lot of skill, a little luck, people should be able to beat this game.