A great 2d shooting game

User Rating: 8.5 | Big Bang Mini DS
The first 2d shooting game of the year is definitively one that shooter fans cant miss and even the ones with a hunger for a new game to keep you well entertain for quite a while. Want to know why, then continue reading.

Gameplay 8.5

This one is a unique one really. First thing to say its that they use both screens. In the upper one you see your enemies and in the bottom one your on your own. You move with the stylus and you also attack with it by sliding it upward toward your enemies above. Though you can only do 1 thing at ones so you have to balance between attacking and moving to dodge the bullets which can keep you at the edge of your seat.

When you kill whatever is in the upper screen ( theres some really weird foes up there) they drop stars, which fill a meter, and when its full you finish the level. O and shooting like crazy isn't going to work as good as you may think cuz whenever you miss a shot, this one explodes into fireworks that come down to kill you. In the later levels theres also special abilities, like stopping time briefly, which keep the game interesting as you pass through the game. Yet all in all is a simple game but a really fun one.

Sound 8.0
You get to hear electronic like music that really adds up to the game. Theres different tunes for each place that you visit. You also get a alarm clock to wake you up with the music in the game.

Graphics 8.0

A great 2d graphics with plenty of stylized effects because of the on screen action. Lots of different and weird enemies to kill and nice backgrounds for each place.

Lasting appeal 8.5

This game comes packed with 90 levels, each 2-3 minute long to beat to keep you entertain for quite a while. Also theres some nice multiplayer modes and other game modes. In all it results a lengthy game for a 2d shooter and even more for a game that only costs 20 bucks.