A game that should have been credited as a classic!

User Rating: 9 | Beyond Good & Evil HD X360
Beyond Good and Evil (poorly titled, by my opinion) was a great game that did not do nearly as well as it should have in the market. The amount of creativity and story that went into this game was just phenomenal. You (as Jade the reporter) steer a hovercraft, you go on stealth missions to take photographs uncovering a government conspiracy, you utilize martial arts to fight creatures and soldiers, and you eventually even fly a spaceship and engage enemy ships in battle. This game even has a really good story that leaves some important unanswered questions. My only beef with this game is that sometimes the camera (the view I mean, not Jade's camera) got a little jerky, and also I didn't like the way that you were forced to try to sneak around guards, even if you (as a gamer) prefer to fight them head-on. Well, I hope a lot more gamers purchase this download. It's well worth it, and if this new HD version gets enough business, maybe we'll eventually see the sequel we always wanted.