No Doubt about it, it's a very good game altogether....

User Rating: 8 | Bejeweled 3 PC
Yep, gotta agree that everything about it is very good. The graphics are wonderful, sound effects and ambient music make it work really well too. There's just enough variety of the different puzzle scenarios to make it interesting to come back to again and again. And, it's certainly challenging at times, not a push over at all, which would make it boring after a while. About the only negative can see with it, is that it does not offer enough of a sense of accomplishment to play it for hours on end. After a long while it does become repetitive, and in so doing, I tent to play the game in short snippets. That's not to downgrade it from what it really is, it does make for great short-term diversion while, say, waiting for a flight in an airport on my laptop. However, would I come home and play it continually for an evening after dinner??....Nope, that's just a bit too much immersion, otherwise, I start seeing all of the jewels in my sleep....But the bottom line, is that for the price-tag and for just plain fun entertainment when one has a minute or two, this game is hard to beat.