Beijing 2008 is a pretty fun party game, but the fun doesn't last long.

User Rating: 5 | Beijing 2008 - The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games X360
Beijing 2008 is another one of those games where you play it for a week or two, beat the game or get bored of it then lock it away and never play it again.

It's another just a party game really. Its alright for a short time then gets boring after a while so this game doesn't offer much replay value. The biggest problem with the Beijing is how the control's work and in this case there mutilating, **** atrocious. I will tell you now that if you play any of the running events then your gonna have a few blisters on your hands in the morning. Basically what you do is get the joy stick and just and move is left and right repeatedly as fast as you can. However is you just do it with your fingers then your gonna go pretty slow, you have to place the palm of your hand on the top of the joy stick and mash it left and right for about 15 seconds in a 100m sprint race. Try it now, with you xbox controller, hurts right? Aside from the horrible control, this game can actually be pretty fun sometimes, there are diffrent events that involve a time based mini games that you have to pres the right button at the right time but those are pretty boring. This game defiantly should not be brought, it would make a solid rent but that's just about it. This game is only fun if your playing it with friends and not by yourself, so if you have no friend's don't get this game. However Beijing does feature online and is pretty good, the only problem is that only the running events the game lags like hell and is almost unplayable, but the throwing events are pretty cool.

Beijing's graphics are passable at best. The models animate well but they don't look very good in there appearances. The stadiums look OK and everything else just looks passable. The sound is as usual cheesy because this game was made by Sega who are well know for there cheesy sound effects, voice acting and so on.

Beijing is a pretty fun game at times but don't buy it, it can be alright at times.