Hard controls and high difficulty. A terrible game...

User Rating: 5 | Beijing 2008 - The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games PS3
A game that you must only press like a maniac buttons or move the joystics. It has high difficulty level, but some games (like 25 m. rapid fire pistol) can be fun (I always get a cold there). Also there is the online gaming where you can compete against real people and go to the leaderboards.Personally I think that you can play this game just for fun and this won't last more than 15 days. Not even the length of the Olympic Games. I think that was was a shame for the Olympic Games. Also it's the same as the other Olympic Games video games (like Sydney 2000 & Athens 2004).I personally think that the best of them was Athens 2004 and there is no reason to lose your money to buy such a thing.

Graphics: 7/10
Sound: 6/10
Length: 5/10
Gameplay: 5/10
Online: 7/10
Overall: 5/10 (As my score says)