Bea vi s and Butt-head is a classic game for the Game-boy.

User Rating: 8.5 | Beavis and Butt-Head GB
The game starts with Bea vi s getting detention for throwing spitballs at Mr. Van Dress en and has to get out of school before he's late for Burger World.

Game play:
The game has 9 levels to explore. The options on the game's menu are: Start, Password, and Options. You play as both Bea vi s and Butt-head in the game. The game play is easy, but fun.

Nice 8-bit graphics. Bea vi s looks just like him, along with Butt-head. The rest of the characters look like themselves as well like: Mr. Van Dress en, Mr. Buzz cut, Mr. MC V i ck-er, and Todd.
The level layout and design looks great for 8-bit of course.

Music and Sound:
The game has nice music for 8-bit. The sound effects are pretty good too.

D-pad for moving and B for shooting (if you have a weapon).

Lasting Appeal:
It has the look and feel of the show and it's a instant classic for the Game-boy. 8 out of 10.