A great and addictive change of pace.

User Rating: 8.5 | Beautiful Katamari X360
This was the first Katamari game that I played and, to be honest, when I first bought it I was very skeptical. I mean, how could a stupid game about snowballing various objects be very entertaining? Yet, somehow the game is nearly impossible to put down. Simply put, there is something ridiculously satisfying about picking up mice, people, cars, buildings, continents, planets and everything and anything else you come across.

The game isn't perfect though. It could definitely be longer and the graphics are nothing to laud. Similarly, if you desire realism or a tight plot in all of your games you might be a little disappointed, because the game is neither realistic nor does it make much sense. I know what I just said probably makes the game sound completely stupid, but trust me it definitely is a good time.