More of the same, but isn't that what we wanted?

User Rating: 7.5 | Beautiful Katamari X360
Beautiful Katamari is a difficult beast to grapple review wise, because it's basically just more levels for a game that's been released three times previously. Add to that the fact that it's a brand new console generation and prices have been steadily going up since "Katamari Damacy" originally hit - leaving this title in the 'budget' range of $39.99.

The graphics are still incredible simple, the gameplay is almost completely untouched and the thing feels even shorter than "Me and My Katamari;" but this could be due to the cramp the PSP version gave my hands because of the odd controls. Why, then, can I not stop playing the game anytime I pick up a controller?

Because, quite simply, it IS Katamari.

Love it or hate it, the formula (while not fresh) can be incredibly addictive and rewarding. The combination of in game gifts, cousins and now Achievement points makes this package difficult for fans of the series to resist.

With that having been said, if you didn't enjoy previous entries, it's not likely you will enjoy this one.