(Sigh) Another Katamari game....

User Rating: 6 | Beautiful Katamari X360
Indeed, this is believe it or not, the 3rd Katamari game to be released. You would figure people would be tired of rolling a sticky ball over various object. A once interesting idea is now spun out of control and formed it's own series that will no doubt be coming out with a new one every year. Reviewers beware!

So here you are again as Prince Katamari and you are attempting to gather items from earth for your rather strange father how is a King. Basically I feel that the developers of this game were on LSD when they created this game. There are lots of color, strange animations, funny sounding voices and quirky things to pick up. But that doesn't actually make a good game. Let alone 3 games!

The graphics are cell shaded, quirky and colorful. The animation is rather still and the lighting and shadowing is rather dull. In other words I have seen MUCH batter cell shaded graphics. So don't expect a huge leap forward in this type of game. The controls are kind of shoddy and rather difficult to get used to. It's hard to get Princey to move around once he stops. It's also rather difficult to turn him around to go another path. In other words the game is kind of klunky to play. The music is really annoying and the sounds are even more so. Although they are original, they are really annoying. Just put the game on mute and play with a little GnR in the back ground.

Children may enjoy this game, and nostaligic gamers looking for simpler time. Also a good pick up for casual gamers. But this game has been done before and it's over. Time to move on.