It's odd. It's completely insane! It's... KATAMARI!!!

User Rating: 8 | Beautiful Katamari X360
I don't know what in the world Namco Bandai was smoking when they thought of Katamari, but I want some! They created perhaps the most insane, quirky, and amusing game franchise of all time.

What's a Katamari you ask? Its a ball. You (The Prince of All Cosmos, or one of his many, MANY cousins) must roll it around and pick stuff up. Sounds boring right?

Guess again, because when I say roll stuff up, I don't mean just snow or carpet. I mean everything you could possibly imagine, and then some.

The game looks very odd and polygonal, like its graphics came from the N64 or something. But it matters very little, because rolling up school children, gorillas, ice cream cones, ice cream clouds, penguins, houses, cars, countries, robots, pizza, gold bars, planets, and stars is just so darn fun. I probably didn't even get 1% of the list of possible things to roll up in that last paragraph, by the way.

The music is just as strange as the game, but its catchy, and listening to strange Japanese tunes is a great way to compliment the most bizarre game ever made.

Controls are a little awkward to get used to, but give them about 10 minutes and you'll be rollin' up giraffes and cars like nobody's business.

The play value is a bit on the small side, but oh well. It's Katamari, who cares!?

Obviously not everyone will appreciate this insanity and weirdness that is Beautiful Katamari, but I like it!