Although a little short, Beautiful Katamari is a dazzlingly fun game, and is great for Katamari fans or newcomers alike.

User Rating: 9 | Beautiful Katamari X360
Beautiful Katamari is the fourth in the series of the zany Katamari games, which focus on a character known simply as The Prince, son of The King of All Cosmos.

The King and his wife are having a rousing game of tennis, when suddenly the ball is hit into outerspace with such force that it creates a black hole in space, sucking all of the stars from the sky. The Prince is sent to roll up anything and everything that can be found on Earth to replace the stars.

No, I'm serious. That's the storyline.

If you've played since Katamari Damacy on the PS2 like myself, then you already know what to expect. However, for newcomers, the game is played by rolling up tons and tons of random items with a ball-like object called a Katamari, which will then be sent in space to replace a celestial body. Within the levels are cousins, which are The Prince's relatives who act as other playable characters, and presents, which let you customize your chosen character with little accessories.

The game is simple, but it never fails to be entertaining. The odd levels keep you captivated, and the strange soundtrack keeps you vexed while you mindlessly roll up items.

The game is a little short on content, however. The game can easily be finished in a few short sittings, and the online play is virtually nonexistant a year after the game's release. If you're willing to pay, you can continue with downloadable content, including new gifts, cousins, and levels.

In closing, this game is a simple, fun game, that anyone can enjoy, even if it is a short play.