It's cute, I said IT'S CUTE! Hehe

User Rating: 10 | Beautiful Katamari X360
Katamari Damacy, We Love Katamari, Me And My Katamari....and now, Beautiful Katamari, this series is like no other you've seen before! seriously, I mean, have you played a game where you make a huge ball?

As you probably know, in Japanese, Katamari means a mass, something like the ball you make in the game, and this ball sticks to everything it runs across to grow bigger and bigger, and this is what you have to do in this game

Gameplay and Story:

So why do you have to make Katamaris?
The stupid king of cosmos (you'll know later why I call him stupid) was playing tennis with his queen, and he accidentally made a hole in the sky that sucked out everything, including the universe, yes lol! =P So now you have to make Katamaris for to make a whole new universe, satellite and other plants hehe
You'd think that's easy, like I did, but It's really not, for each universe component you make you have to collect a certain type of stuff, like for example, when you're asked to make a satellite, you have to collect playable stuff, like board game pieces etc, otherwise the king would eat your face up for it hehe, he's done it to me many times lol! Ooh you also have to make your Katamari to the wanted size, or else...the king....yes...he scares me
Kings aside, you basically control the Prince of cosmos, the green little guy, soo adorable!
Oooh yes I forgot to mention that you can collect boxes, and these are like presents for you, and they're stored for you inside the cake in the princedom!
The single player mode is fun, but the multiplayer one is awesome, you and your opponent play a Vs mode with split screens, and you have to collect, again, a certain type of stuff, but what's fun about it is that you can collide to your opponent on purpose so his Katamari loses some stuff and grows smaller hehehe! or you can play the co-op mode when you and your partner basically control the same Katamari


2D-like cutscens, but no voice acting, just text, like RPGs, but still, cute
The gameplay graphics haven't changed, not that it's a bad thing! the graphics remain cute and suitable for such game


Cute sound effects when you collects stuffs, and Japanese music in the background hehe! Nice

I'd say the game is a must-have for a Katamari fan, or anyone who haven't played this game before and seeks a cute game!