Beat Saber is Great But Has One Crucial Flaw

User Rating: 7 | Beat Saber PS4

Beat Saber is an amazing game, in my opinion it’s one of the best VR games out there (and a lot of people seem to agree). The concept of the game is great, and the execution is amazing, it’s pulled off so well. My only real criticism I have for this game is exclusive to the PlayStation VR version, but it’s still a pretty big deal. There’s no custom maps.

On every platform except for the PSVR version, there are custom maps that the community makes that other players can download and play, but it’s not in the PSVR version. This is actually a pretty big problem because it means that this version of the game severely lacks replayability. The devs tried to combat this by adding in DLC songs, but they screwed it up, because not only do you have to pay for the DLC songs, but in my opinion, they’re actually quite overpriced. The worst part is, the devs have said the reason there aren’t custom maps is because “The PS4 is a closed system, it’s basically impossible.” But that’s just not true, there are plenty of PS4 games out there that feature community maps, and there are even some that are completely centered around them (Rec Room, Dreams, etc). Even if it was impossible to have custom maps, it’s still ridiculous to price the game the exact same as other systems, when there’s much more content in other versions, the only extra content in this version is locked behind a pay wall, and seeing the devs’ response just really angers me to be honest.

In conclusion, this is absolutely a great game and a must buy if you have a VR headset of any kind, but the PSVR version of the game is easily the worst version out there due to no custom maps and only paid DLC. Again, you should definitely get the game if you can, but if there’s any way you could get this on a different platform, get it on a different platform.