one of the greatest game ever why has nobody reviewed it! this game is shear genius and should be recognised as that.

User Rating: 10 | Beasts & Bumpkins PC
a very old building strategy game where u command your peasents 2 build towns and fight evil its very funny and very simple a must play in my book buy it off of ebay or something as i doubt anywhere has it in a shop. this game has got cartoon like graphics but that simply adds to the fun of the game. by the looks of thing this game simply does not get the credit it deserves as it is deffinatly one of the greatest rts games ever. although there is no skirmish or multiplay in this game which is dissapointing this will probably lead to some people getting bored of it. however i have replayed this game many times and i still find it very very fun. i believe this game should be remade with modern graphics as it is nearly 20 years old most people have forgotten about it, even though it is better than hundreds of recent 3d rts games due 2 its simplicity. i am simply shocked that no one has reviewed this and im happy that my first review is the first on a game.