a game that is somewhat broken, thanks to the controls.

User Rating: 3.5 | Battlezone ARC
Review 11: Battlezone, Arcade/ Atari Collection

In my opinion, battle games for older counsels NEVER worked out. Although its graphics are AMAZING, Battlezone is no exception. This game is nearly broken, and although you are supplied with 5 lives per quarter, they will not last long at all.

You are in control of a tank in this game, on a somewhat 3-d battlefield. The rule is: he who hits first wins. You will encounter all sorts of enemies, from small and large tanks, to aircraft. As soon as you begin seeing enemies, the problems begin. Since your vehicle is always moving, its hard to keep your target focused, and sometimes, even if you get them, one of the bullets they shot before they died will get you.

The main problem here is you are constantly moving. This makes it hard to target, and believe it or not, dodge. You will also often find yourself stuck on the random geometric shapes everywhere. Another broken thing is finding your enemy. You can see about 45 degrees of the screen. It turns very slowly. So when you see the "Enemy to your left!" warning, your pretty much screwed. Most of the time, by the time you've turned to even look at them, they have already fired and destroyed you.

If this game weren't broken, there would be tons of fun. There is still some there, no doubt, but it could just be so much better. Thanks for reading!