A very fun game with lots of potential, however the excitement soon wears off as the game is just too easy and too short

User Rating: 7.6 | BattleZone PSP
Battle zone is a very fun game at first and can even be quite difficult and in my opinion, it is underrated. However, one of its major downsides is that you can complete the game in about 5 hours! Once you have completed the game on normal even the hardest difficulty level (veteran) becomes easy. Skirmish missions which are fun at first looses their attraction as it becomes simply too easy.

As for the cheats (I have posted them in the forum) they are very fun to play with at first but become boring later. Some cheats can make every player equipped with only mortars but even these are not as fun as they could be.

In conclusion with a bit more work battle zone could be very fun however at the moment it is a bit lacking.