It's possible for 2 Toads 2 Win

User Rating: 9 | Battletoads NES

One of my favorite games of all time, BT is the kind of game you play once and never forget. Love it, or hate it... But it's unforgettable! The graphics, the sound, the music... All fit perfectly... But we have to agree... It's not for sissies! The continue problem that send all 2 players to the begging of the stage is probably one of the worst features in gaming history; add up that you can hit each other and BAM! There are one of the most hard 2 player games of all time... But... Yes, it's possible to beat it in 2 players. I did it, with a friend... Back in the 90's. Here in Brazil, we had awful gamepads (from Gradient's Phantom System) and we had to dismantle it to be able to pass the ball chase stage... And, not to mention it... We've played a lot, to be almost perfect in the other stages. The last one, with the rotating tower is simply amazing, and that's a shame that so few people could experience it at the time. That's nice that we have the Internet nowadays. So fans can remember and discover new stages and new ways to play the same good old games. BT is simply amazing. It's not a 10, just because the continue feature is a bad programming/design result. Enjoy your gaming!