User Rating: 1 | Battlefield V XONE
This is meant to be as impersonal as possible! The game is garbage 1-The spawn mechanics are screwed up! The game engine will allow your Sprite to render and be susceptible to damage before your given control of the Sprite. You cant squad spawn properly half the time being that the person your spawning on basically has to have at least cubic feet of open space around them or your chosen spawn target will have to bounce and wiggle around till you can spawn You WILL experience spawn deaths for no reason being that the game will drop you specifically in front of an enemy with your back turned frequently even if there are spawn that wouldn't have resulted in insta- death 2-the hit register is screwed up Manny manny times will you get wall banged and dropped in 2 or 3 non headshot hits... I have a VAST amount of experiences where I can be shot through and object but not be able to shoot through it myself 3-the weapon fire rate mechanics are NOT equal to the stats shown for most weapons, the gun will flash and view kick but no the rounds that come out arent being dispensed at a rate equal to the stats shown 4-Snipers are broken especially considering that's one of the few weapons that could wall bang, not to mention that the damage is bullshit ... never should it take 3 rounds to the torso to down and oponent... they all feel almost identical they just look different and have varying fire rates and recoil 5-medics are broken on core ... entirely too much healing from the small packs and the big packs need either less healing and more radius or more healing and less radius The weapon pick up option for downed friendly kits (can) make it impossible or take ridiculous maneuvering to rez down downed teammates younshoukdnt bebable to pick up a kit from your teammates until their rez timer expires ... 2 years and theyve not figured that out ... pathetic 5-incendiary grenades are broken as well exposure to fire on your feet would very likely only piss you off not scorch you to death in seconds As far as game play itself... Every one uses the same few weapons because the game essentially forces you to or you are less competitively equiped... There are ENTIRELY too many people who use the noise AT or the new panzerbusch or however you say it If it's not a sniper in the Lewis gun because they gave it WAaaaaaaaAAAaAaaaAaAAaAAaAaaayy to much accuracy from the hip [This ones a touch personal] I'm sorry but they been making battlefield for a long time... It should be obvious by now that most people DO NOT want to be forced to play a specific rule set.... In other words half your fans play hard core and you idiots could drop hardcore with the game launch.... pathetic... Not sure why or if it's just me... but when I want to join a game... either make me wait and put me in a full game or give me the option to play solo and join a squad if I choose It takes a really long time to load into games as well needa work on that There are times that the game will randomly spawn me in a class that I didt choose ... sometimes it also force resets my weapon progression which is really not fair because I shouldnt have to unlock and purchase the same upgrades more than once The servers dont filter region inthink because a lot of times me and my pal get thrown into foreign servers where we can barely stand to play because of the ping ghosting and we end up not squaring up with other people because we dont speak the same language There are some positives however The maps are FANTASTIC and such a blast to play from a strategists point of view The graphics are gorgeous !! I dont play in armor or aircraft so not sure about that Smokes are much much more realistic and effective in game I really like the varying game modes also they're all really different and play very different from one another and so it really helps break up the monotony of being made to play core if i wanna play at all at least i can pick which game mode i play And I do like the fact that mgs have a temperature system so people can just burn infinite MG rounds My biggest complaint is that we were promised a realistic world war 2 military shooter and with 25+ years gaming and developing I can say this is more like call of duties down syndrome red headed step cousin than it is a military shooter ... least they got the conflict era somewhat accurate as far as basic correlation goes... It's time for game devs to stop assuming they know what best and start listening to the consumer... keep pissing people off and the franchise will eventually die... Stop trying to get rich by quantity and maybe place a little more value in quality... Very very very dissapointed!