The End Of The Battlefield Series

User Rating: 6 | Battlefield V PS4

If you love Battlefield 5, good for you. I am not trying to ding your experience. This is just my personal view based on my experience with the game and the series overall.

I was captivated by Battlefield 2 completely and then Battlefield 3, and then 4. Admittedly, with each release the quality of the game kept going down, but still had an engaging experience. While BF4 was extremely buggy and downgraded on previous-gen consoles, it was still worthy of my time. I skipped Star Wars: Battlefront, and Battlefield 1 altogether, but gave into Battlefront 2, which was a mistake. And now, with BF5, I was hoping Dice would be back at doing what they do best, but I think somewhere along the way they have lost it all. I think getting distracted with the Star Wars franchise has sort of ruined Battlefield. It is no longer a series I care about. At a time when developers like Rockstar Games and CD Project Red take time to create immersive stories and experiences, Battlefield feels like it is adapting to the "let's put out a sequel every year" formula. It is sad for me as a fan of the series for the past decade. I really wish they would go back to what made them great back in BF2 when they innovated in the multiplayer experience and had an amazing storyline, and not this half-baked software that they call a Battlefield game.

This is not Battlefield in my opinion and I think it ended a long time ago.