Gettin more then you pay for.. and its free! :D A long review shortened for the average man ;)

User Rating: 8 | Battlefield Heroes PC
Hey there, this is my second review i believe.. and im glad your reading it :]

So firstly ill mention that i bought BF: 1943 over XBL Marketpalce, only to be quite the dissapointed- mainly due to the fact theres 3 classes and its hard to find people to kill and even when i do im dead and have to run another freakin 10km's only to be shot again but this isnt 1943, this is Heroes so ill get back on subject.

BF: Heroes if you didnt know is free to play and when u hear that and the fact its a shooter usually you can expect a pretty lousy outdated shooter- something like Counter Strike except worse then CS, because thats a classic shooter - although i must say when i played it i was quite impressed by it, especially from the amazing visual overhaul they have- instead of a dark gloomy atmosphere where explosions tear off limbs this one has a cue and quirky look about it, and the explosions launch you high into the sky!

Not only the beautiful visuals, they still have the classic BF action we've all come to love - such as tanks and jeeps and flying machines! It's all quite amazing that all this is free and not only that the download takes about 10minutes from the website.

Ok on the chance im rambling- and I've probably left out alot of details im just going to sum it all up.

- FREE! [except for some extra's such as clothes and more]
- Great visuals, giving the battlefield a friendlier feel to it all
- Ability to customise your character with clothes and weapons for uniqueness
- Solid shooting mechanics, when you hit someone you still get points instead of being Kill Stolen and not get anything for you hard work
- 3 Distinctive classes with unique abilities to shake up gameplay

There's probably more, so sorry if i missed out on any. As for the cons please remember the game is free so it wont be uber perfecto.

- Only 3 classes, and when you create a character [max of 4] there stuck on that class forever and whichever side your alligned with - Royals or Nationalists, which i suppose in theory makes you feel more 'attatched' to a character however if you want to change mid game (maybe because everyone is a freakin` commando(sniper)) you simply cant unless you quit the game and cant re-join the same game you were in.
- The occasional lag is a kick in the balls, mainly when im my commando and im trying to knife a goon only to not have any effect even though on my screen I would of made him into a fine cuissine, although instead i get killed by his knife.
- And lastly most of the good clothes require real money which, but its nice they gave a few free stuff for the players not willing to pay.. like me :D

But overall none of that takes any fun out of the game mind you.
Sorry for a heaps long review.

I hope you enjoyed it-