Its sad. I was really looking forward to this game.

User Rating: 5.5 | Battlefield Heroes PC
For those of you who have not played this game but are eager rest assured Battlefield Heroes will dissapoint. OK so what did the makers claim Battlefield heroes was? They said it was a "free 2 play cartoon shooter that focuses on fun, accessability, and not getting shot in the face repeatedly by a swearing ultra skilled 15 year old boy who plays the game every day for 8 hours" Now if that doesnt catch your eye I dont know what will but the problem is Battlefield heroes doesnt live up to a single one of these claims.

ACCESSABILITY: One year after this game was supposed to come out it still hasnt even been announced. Why is this? The game designers are having art contests and making jokes about breaking their computers instead of working on the game (this is true, im not joking). IF you do get a beta key though you can play the game. All you have to do is create an EA account, a security layer account, a battlefield heroues account, a battlefield heroes hero, install a glitchy punkbuster program which more than likely wont work and need to be modified, install the game itself during which at least half the players experience technical difficulties (just look at their beta site its crawling with complaints about install problems). Once youve got past all that you wait about 20 minutes for the game to launch then you hit play now in the game and if you are LUCKY it will find a match and load the game in 3-5 more minutes. As far as accessability is concerned this game is far more trouble than its worth.

FREE 2 PLAY: If going through the hastle of installing this game is worth saving $30-40 to you (maybe it is, maybe it isnt) then it is free 2 play. However unless you are willing to spend money (and pretty large amounts for a game at that) you will not have any character customization. The game designers boasted this heavily but after playing the game I have found that there is virtually no character customization. Sure you can buy pieces of clothing. Its about $5 per article of clothing per month. ALL of the clothing is purchased with real money. none aside from the starting outfit is free. There is also no customization for wepons (you get to choose between 2 weapons basically) so you hear that guys? NO CUSTOMIZATION.

FUN: It wouldnt be fair to rate this game poorly without going over the gameplay but its actually not that good. No better than the hundreds of other multiplayer games out there also, there are more frustrating glitches than any other game has. Connection is always a problem and you will be hard pressed to find a decent game online. You may have noticed the heavily showcased planes in the game's trailers. Over the past month and a half i have played this game about 10 hrs and I gotta say i have never actually gotten a plane to take off. And when I see an enemy plane in the sky I shoot it with my smg and it lights on fire and explodes (yes you can do that)
Fun? mediocre

NOT GETTING SHOT IN THE FACE REPEATEDLY: Heres a true story of one game I played. Final score: Nationals-50 Royals-4 national guys were yelling "lol noobs" the entire 2-3 minutes the game lasted. Also dont think the 2 sides are even. The Nationals are given higher connection priority so expect to be lag killed A LOT if you are a Royal.

BOTTOM LINE: All in all I am actually impressed at this games ability to dissapoint. Its almost as if the designers were trying to sell the game as great as they could and design it as bad as they could. Game gets a generous 5.5/10