Battlefield Heroes has Arrived and arrived in style it has.Check out this review to see what the game is all about.Enjoy

User Rating: 8.5 | Battlefield Heroes PC
For some time now i have been watching the battlefield site and forums waiting for any news regarding the release of Battlefield Heroes.Time after time i saw the release date move back several months and it made me annoyed,after a period of time i forgot about it and moved on to other games.Recently a mate of mine asked me "Have you played a game called Battlefield Heroes" at that point i went home and started the download of my long awaited game of the year.I cant remember if i answered my friends question but i didn't care because battlefield Heroes was FINALLY released.

The first step in battlefield is to sign up, this is fun as the suspense kills you and the site is so fresh and cartoony the sign up process seems like seconds.The game is free and downloaded from the site but what disappointed me was that you don't actually download the game or an .exe but you download a downloader.The file is about 1gb i think and once downloaded it simply gives you a link to the main site.From the main site you sign in and it runs the game and checks for updates,i don't like this setup as i would prefer to have a battlefield icon on my desktop for easy access but none the less you get used to it.

Before you run the game you must have a character and once again this is done on the site and then updated to your game on the computer.Your character can be a gunner ,solider or commander.each with there own abilities.The gunner is a big guy which carries most of the BIG HEAVY guns.Also is capable of holding TNT. The solider is kinda a mid type of character,i personally could not see the benefits from him.He has only the Standard weapons but is quite popular within the online community.The commander is the sniper pretty much and can also sneak around with out being seen and has different types of explosives triggered when stepped on. Select your heroes you created and hit the PLAY NOW button and your off and playing.What i really like is that your not thrown in the deep end and you have a choice of a tutorial which is fun and interactive or to play straight away.If you chose to join the action the servers are selected for you depending on your skill level.This is a great feature as noobs are with noobs and pro' stay with pro's.This makes for a fun first game as everyone is asking questions on the in-game chat window which is quite snazzy.

One of the major downsides is for you to purchase items for your hero you must pay with real money this does not do anything for the game i would have preferred all the updates to be in the initial download.Due to this your heroes cant change much through-out the game leaving his appearance the same as most noobs throughout the world.

The gameplay is like previous battlefield games where you must capture certain areas for your team and once playing for sometime you do start to develop team values and catch rides with your mates to reach the capture bases.

The vehicles, i think are funny and cartoony and when you drive them you just laugh.The jeep is fast and sometimes unresponsive but its cartoon feel means that whatever you put it through it will still be strong for the battle.The tank has ALOT of power and in some cases to much,you will find your self in battles of tanks and just get sick of them as it is constantly an explosive battle.Anyone in a tank dominates a battle,due to this raging begins to develop in the chat window creating not the best gaming environment. The plane is the vehicle of the game with the most questions surrounding it.How do i fly it? can i drop bombs? why cant there be more? the plane has a learning curve of days,i still have not developed the skills to fly the plane and i think alot of other people share the same feelings.You control it with both the A,W,S,D keys and the mouse A,D controlling the rudder and the mouse controlling the rolling and moving the whole plane left to right..I found my self trying to shoot people on the ground as well as trying not to crash the plane into my own team is so much fun to fly but does take some time to get used to.
But is quite comical when some of your team mates jumps on the wings for a lift.

I have heard that the game suffers from bad lag but im am yet to discover that for my self.I can see why this would occur though.The system is run entirely off the website and i think they would have been better off have the game fully downloaded with everything on your computer instead of having to go back and forth from the main site to change and edit your heroes.
Overall i love this game and think that it can only get better over time i would recommend this to anyone just to give it a try.Just remember that it will affect your download limit as the initial download is quite hefty.

(warning the theme song is ADDICTIVE AND CATCHY)

Good luck guys.