A fresh take on the classic Battlefield multiplayer, with the added bonus of the best offline campaign in the series.

User Rating: 9.5 | Battlefield: Bad Company X360
Battlefield: Bad Company
Platform: Xbox 360
Developer: DICE
Released: June 23, 2008


New destructible environments only add to the time-tested Battlefield formula, and for the first time in the series yet, the singleplayer stands on its own.

Offline: B
Online: A


A more gritty approach to the traditionally clean and always technically superb series. Explosions and collapsing buildings are particular standouts.

Then: A-
Now: B


Some of the best sound effects, not just in the series, but all of video game history. Music does a great job of strengthening the many tones of the game.

Sound: A+
Music: A-

*All aspects of the game, visuals and audio aside, are included and combined in the gameplay score. This includes features expected in the genre, replay value, technical performance, and others.