I believe Call of Duty has a compatitor

User Rating: 10 | Battlefield: Bad Company PS3
here's a game that competes with Call of Duty and i favour this one over call of duty. to begin with, i am not a big fan of 1st person shooters. but, i liked this one because its fun to play and you keep playing because you get the feeling that you are and controlling a movie with a plot. i'll discuss everything now:-

1. graphics: in terms of graphics, i have to admit : call of duty rules. but, this game still has its own way of visuals. i wouldn't give higher than a 7 for graphics.

2. the story is amazing and original. i didn't see a game where this kind of story comes in. the most thing i liked was the characters and their personalities. they are really funny and give many funny comment as you play, which just adds a taste to the game.

3. gameplay: well, there is not so much to talk about when it come to the gameplay because we all know how a game plays when it come 1st persons. but the most amazing thing i liked ( and here where i differs between CoD) is that you could blow any wall you like. and guess what this does for the multiplayer. many interesting weopons could be found. and last but not least, you recover your health using a dose of air (that;s what i call it).

buy this if you are searching about a funny game that you want to enjoy for the weekend.