This game is perfect and i got it for 10 bucks. When you get this game you definitely get your moneys worth. SPOILERS!!

User Rating: 10 | Battlefield: Bad Company X360
(Spoiler Alert)Battlefield Bad Company takes you into the world of 4 soldiers who desert the American army to steal gold from a secret order of Russians who pay there mercenaries in said gold.You Play as Preston Marlow a bad mutha who could have gotten thrown in jail for what he did but instead they send him to Bad Company.Along with Sweetwater Hagard and Redford you have some serious fudging fun.The Gameplay is great kind of reminds me of Call Of Duty. The multi-player for the game is great considering the games worth about 10 bucks.It is defiantly a game you never want to put down.The single player campaign has a great storyline of blowing things up and betrayal.The vehicle driving does need some work maybe some new controls because you have to stop to shoot accurately.This is most definitely one of the best games around.