In Good Company With Bad Company.

User Rating: 9.5 | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Ultimate Edition PS3


Bad Company 2 plays out mostly like any other Battlefield control-wise. There isn't really anything super-special that separates this game from most first-person shooters, but it definitely does everything a lot better than most modern-FPS games. There are plenty of guns, vehicles, perks, etc.... for you to use, and demolishing buildings will never get old. The two best parts of this game gameplay-wise are probably the vehicles and the destructible environments - ALMOST EVERYTHING can break.


The graphics in this game are stunning.

"r they bettr than call of dewdeey modern warfuurrre?"

Yes. In fact, the graphics in this game may just be in the top 20 or so for the PlayStation 3. The textures, shadows, the water effects.... They're beautiful, and it makes the game look amazing. The only real problem is that there are some technical hiccups and issues with the frame-rate, especially online. The single-player is a thing of beauty, and there are almost no problems and the cut-scenes are top-tier.


The sound-track in the campaign, which you'll listen to throughout the game, feels very fitting for a war game set in the fifties - which the game is not. However, the sound-track is meant to be jokey, so it definitely works.

The voice-acting is top-notch, and I don't think any of the characters really annoyed me in terms of voice.


The story in this game isn't really that memorable, but it's an okay story. You won't think much of it, but the campaign is mainly meant to teach you the strings and give you a few laughs along the way.


This game is focused on its multiplayer, as are all Battlefield games.

There are four cl@sses:


This is best for the more aggressive type of player, and is probably going to get the most kills in a round. The Assault cl@ss is the brute of the squad (that's if the squad consists of one of each cl@ss. The Assault is the only cl@ss that can use assault rifles, which have the accuracy of sniper rifles and the close to the fire-rate of an SMG.


The Engineer is meant for people who like, and are good at (this is crucial, because if you aren't good at it, you will let your whole squad down - just practice to get better), driving and taking down vehicles. They can lay down anti-tank mines on the roads that will demolish enemy vehicles unfortunate enough to drive over them, and they also can use RPGs and launchers to take down air vehicles or any vehicle at all. They get the most points in a round, and probably the second most kills. They mainly use SMGs, which can take down about 2 or 3 people per clip. They also can take down about two tanks with their RPG/launcher/Anti-Tank mines, so they make more points than an Assault cl@ss. It's 100 points for destroying a vehicle, 30 for vehicle damage, 50 for killing a player, 10 for a squad order, etc.... So yes, they make anywhere from 100 to 1000 for taking down a vehicle. I made 1000 once because a tank with four people in it beside an enemy flag that we were taking (of course, we had a squad order on it, so that's another 10 points if we take it, 150 for base capture) had three vehicles (2 Quad-Bikes and another tank with two people in it) beside it. I ended up getting ten kills (two people were in the line of fire), a base capture, a squad attack order, triple kill, triple kill, double kill, and some other stuff. Yes, as you can tell, Engineer is my favourite cl@ss.

Primary: UMP-45

Secondary: Tracer Dart Gun

Gadget: M136AT4/Anti-Tank Mines

Specialization #1: Red Dot Sight

Specialization #2: Magnum Ammo

Specialization #3: Vehicle Armor


A Medic will likely get the second most amount of points, but the least kills, in a given match. They have to hide and camp for most of the game, and only come out to throw health packs to team-mates and revive team-mates with their defribulator. This is an easy way to make points. Plus, you'll get kills every once in a while, and you can even use your LMG to snipe if you put a scope on it and add Magnum Bullets. You almost never have to reload, so it's a deadly combination.

Primary: M60

Secondary: M1911

Gadget: Defibulator

Specialization #1: 4X OPT

Specialization #2: Magnum Ammo

Specialization #3: Vehicle Armor


Recon is best for someone who is patient and like sniping people. Recon is pretty much a sniper cl@ss and they also have C4. I love vehicles, and I love watching them explode just as much as I like to be in them. Every single sniper rifle in this game is amazing, and equipped with C4 and a magnum, you're bound to get a lot of kills. I once got 10 kills in one C4 explosion. Four people were in a tank, and there were 3 Quad-Bikes (2 people on each) surrounding that said tank. I had already placed C4 on that tank prior to the event. They were were taking our flag and I saw the tank and a Quad-Bike, so I blew it up. I didn't know that there were 2 more Quad-Bikes, so I just got lucky - but I also got points for triple kills and double kills and flag stuff - so yes, Recon gets a lot of points.

Primary: M95

Secondary: MP-412

Gadget: C4

Specialization #1: 12X OPT

Specialization #2: Magnum Ammo

Specialization #3: Vehicle Optic

Here's some information about points:

Killing a player = 50 points

Kill assist = 10 points

Critical kill assist = 30 points

Squad kill assist = 20 points

Squad critical kill assist = 40 points

Vehicle damage = 30 points

Destroying a vehicle = 100 points

Double kill = 30 points

Triple kill = 50 points

Base capture = 150 points

Base capture assist = 75 points

Headshot = 10 points

Heal = 10 points

Squad heal = 20 points

Revive = 50 points

Squad revive = 80 points

Avenger kill = 50

Squad attack order = 10 points

Squad defend order = 10 points


The worst part about the online is the glitches, usually due to lag. Sometimes you won't even be able to climb up stairs without falling through them or glitching into them, or you won't be able to stand up against a wall without being pushed away from it or glitched into/through it. Another annoying thing is it's hard to shoot and aim when it lags, making it hard to kill people. I've died probably a hundred times or so from lag or glitches. Also, occasionally, the EA servers will screw up and you will lose all of your points and weapons, etc.... BUT DO NOT WORRY, THIS IS ONLY TEMPORARY. It usually goes away within a minute to an hour, and all your weapons and stats are returned to normal. Unfortunately, I don't know if you get any of the points you make while all your stuff is gone, because it's technically a glitch. It does it a lot, and yes it is very annoying, but it usually goes away on its own or after you play a match.

The online is still very abundant, even to this day, and you will likely always be put in a full match, unless you set it to a certain map on Squad Rush (least popular game mode).

Ten Things You Should Do If You Want To Help Your Squad (in no particular order)

10. If you're a sniper, make sure to camp up in mountains where you can see your squad and pick off people who try to flank them. Make sure to always go out of your way to plant C4 on enemy vehicles.

9. If you're an engineer, bring vehicles to your squad. Also, make sure to take out vehicles that you see passing by, provided they aren't on your team, and repair your own squad's vehicles.

8. If you're a medic, stick with your squad so you can heal and revive them. Also, stay in a good spot with a nice LMG with a scope on it, so you can get a little bit of extra kills.

7. If you're an assault, don't blindly charge in guns blazing, discuss with your squad a good way to get into the enemy base and take out large groups at once.

6. Always give your squad Ammo(Assault)/Health(Medic)/Motion Sensor Mines(Recon)/Anti-Tank Mines(Engineer).

5. Don't let your squad-mates die in vain. If you aren't a medic, go after the person/people who just killed your squadmate, preferably with your remaining two squad-mates.

4. Don't be a jerk. Don't take a vehicle for yourself and ditch your squadmates - in fact, stay with your squad whenever you can!

3. Let the Engineer drive if they want to, because they can duck out of the battle into a spot where they can repair the vehicle, so you can keep on fighting without dying.

2. Don't stay in a map if you keep getting spawn-killed. It's no fun getting spawn-killed, I know, and it's going to happen once in a while in Conquest, usually. So don't put up with it, or the other team will just keep getting points off of you, and you'll have no chance to defend yourself.

1. Have fun, be nice to your team and your enemies, be a good sport, shake hands at the end of the match, love everyone, AND BLOW SOME SH*T UP!

~My Top 10 Guns~

10. MG3 (Medic)

9. SV98 Snaiperskaya (Recon)

8. XM8 Prototype (Assault)

7. GOL Sniper Magnum (Recon)

6. SPAS-12 Combat (All)

5. M416 (Assault)

4. M95 (Recon)

3. XM8 Compact (Engineer)

2. UMP-45 (Engineer)

1. G3 (All)



This game's campaign will last you a good five to ten hours depending on the difficulty, and it is a great campaign. It's very fun and teaches you the basics of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 very well, so you'll be prepared for the online.

The multiplayer will last you anywhere from a second to over a thousand hours. I've seen players go on once and then never again, and I've also seen people go on once and then continue to go on and rack up hundreds of hours. I myself will probably hit the hundred hour mark or so before I start to get bored.

The Verdict


• Amazing multiplayer

• Great replayability

• Huge maps

• Beautiful graphics

• Great characters in the campaign


• Glitchy online

• Forgettable story

Gameplay: 9.0

Graphics: 9.4

Sound: 9.2

Story: 8.0

Multiplayer: 9.5

Longevity: 10

Although Battlefield: Bad Company 2 has a solid campaign, the multiplayer is where it's at - and it delivers a solid, fun experience that will keep you busy for a very long time.
