All Flash, No Substance - Single Player Campaign Only

User Rating: 7 | Battlefield 4 X360

While I do enjoy the odd jaunt into the chaos that is the gaming cybersphere, I do not do so frequently and certainly not with every game be it able or no. This was one of those games that I didn't bother with trying the online aspect. I've played enough Call of Duty to have realized that no matter what else comes out, it'll be more of that, so to speak. I like COD, but not online. So I play most games for the storyline and this was one of the weaker ones. Lots of flash- this game is pretty; the textures pop, the environments look almost photo-realistic at times, the weapons are varied and they don't all sound the same. The sound of brass hitting pavement has its own music about it- this game gets all that. Everything looks awesome, it really does. If I were to rate this game on visuals alone, it'd be a solid 9, real solid. Even on the 360 it was that good looking. But it had no soul, no substance...the story was as light as meringue and about as filling but not nearly as satisfying. Nothing at all memorable about it and maybe that's a testament to the type of gamer I'm becoming. I'm older than the average, having played video games since they first came out I have a longer perspective on the path that games have taken. Amazing when you think of it in those terms and in light of that, I have to conclude that this game is more than Fair, it is actually Good and so I call it.