Fitting current trends, this game could have been awesome but it was released before being polished. It's only great.

User Rating: 8 | Battlefield 3 PC
Living the exciting and dangerous life of a soldier has never been so great. A wide variety of weapons and vehicles, huge maps and 32 vs 32 games make Battle Field one of the best shooters ever.

Story: notice how i didn't mention anything about the single player ? This is because single player is very boring. It's short like most other shooters and you could look at it like a tutorial for the multi player part of the game. You play as various dudes and a Russian and try to stop terrorists from doing bad things. Some segments in the missions might be fun, like stealthy infiltration or providing cover as a sniper, the action is good paced but the story is so forgettable that you will lose all interest before the few hours it takes to finish it.

Gameplay: the gameplay is great. It's fun, exciting and provides a wide variety of weapons and gadgets for you to dominate the other team. You chose one of the 4 specializations, which grant you access to specific equipment and weapons. You can play conqeust (capture and hold location), rush (complete objectives and move on next area) or deathmatch. In conquest and rush you gain access to a wide variety of vehicles and to huge maps. You gain levels for specialisations, vehicles, weapons and overall status all unlocking new weapons, gadgets and attachments. All weapons feel great and are fun to use.

Bugs: unfortunately this is where thing go very wrong. Aside from the rare crashes and a bug in the campaing that prevented me to finish a mission most bugs are not severe. But they take away the fun from the game. You might find it difficult to jump a small obstacle, die for no reason or live with 0% health. The game also crashes frequently which is a bothersome.

Graphics: this is another major disappointment. This game look awesome. Maps, textures, models everything looks wonderful. But there is a catch: it is not optimized. This is one of those games that require you to buy a new graphics card to play it at ultra high.

Sounds: everything is great. Seriously, nothing bothersome. everything sound great, not necessarily realistic, but overall there can't be any complains.

Overall: this is an awesome multiplayer shooter. Maps are huge, with a lot of details and a lot of tactics. Vehicles are fun and engaging. Combat is satisfying and unlocking new weapons and gear will keep you coming back for more. But if you are looking for a good single player your money is better spent on something else.