Yes, there's problems with Origin/WWW interface and yes, the single player is ductaped on but it's still BF well done.

User Rating: 8.5 | Battlefield 3 PC
This game maintains the feeling that I've come to appreciate and expect from the BF series...all the the way back to 1942. It's big, epic, funny, fun, intense. I'm just soo glad they didn't lose their way and not contain the fun(referring to the competitor) that I expect from the series. It's hard to be original in the 15 years of constant FPS's but the genre needs to continually be pushed whether it's audio, graphically, and multiplayer seemlessness. The game isn't perfect but it's another good tick forward in the genre and hopefully has generated enough cash to push the bounds further with the BF4. I like it! I really like it! I really really like it! I REALLY LIKE IT! I feel like I was able to say what I needed to in 630 characters but their system insists that I blow steam using an annoying 800 characters so I'm going to type some meaningless text that fills up this space in the most aggressive waste of finger energy known to man. But really, I bought the game when it was on sale at it was totally worth 30 dollars.