Very good looking graphics, but way too many frustrating glitchs

User Rating: 7.5 | Battlefield 2142 PC
Battlefield 2142 I thought was going to be the new standard for tactical shooters, but it fell a little short. The game has beatiful character models, the vehicles look great , the explosions and rendering very well done and the outdoors look very real. Even though this is only a baby step visually up from Battlefield 2 it still brings alot , visually, to the table. Where this game really starts lacking is in the smoothness of gameplay. There are hundreds of spots you can get stuck in wall or when you die the camera starts shacking. The most annoying glitch is when the respawn timer doesn't start and then you are waiting for three times as long to respawn. It is hard to play against experts or even people who are terrible but put many hours into because the unlockable guns they get are too much better than the base ones. Battlefield 2 did not have this problem since you chould still kill alot of people using the base gun. Overall is was another ok game that EA threw out there. All these simple glitchs could probaly be fixed if EA released another patch but they havn't almost a year later and im still waiting for a new patch. It also lacks in single player. Single player is supposed to be where you build your stills high enough to compete online but the AI is so easy to kill and there is no story mode which is kind of a let down in I wanted to see how this whole the earth not big enough for us all story to play out. In the end I give it a 7.6 its a good game but not even close to being a great timeless classic like counter-strike source or warcraft 3.