The series that started with Battlefield 1942 has come a long way to Battlefield 2142.

User Rating: 8.8 | Battlefield 2142 PC
I started playing Battlefield 1942 back in the day a long while after it had come out. All of the expansions were already out so there was a lot of catching up to do. I got Battlefield Vietnam and instantly loved it. Battlefield 2 came out and again, an instant classic in my opinion. Lastly, Battlefield 2142 comes and totally knocks my socks off. I love this game. For all the people who talk about 2142 being Battlefield 2.5, don't listen to them. From the ground battles to the battles in the sky the game has been tuned to please the die-hards and the rookies. In 1942, Vietnam and 2 the flight controls have been hard to master. Anyone without a lot of hours to devote to the game or a flight stick didn't have a chance at flying worth anything but in 2142 they have fixed it. A player still has to put in some time to master the flying but even without a flight stick flying the vehicles is easily do-able. With the addition of Northern Strike this game will be keeping gamers happy for years to come. the bonus is that 2142 is different enough from BF2 to keep both on your system (if space allows) and play one or the other and still have the feeling that you are playing two different games.