If you think Expansions won't be as addicting as the original, you're wrong. You're VERY wrong.

User Rating: 8.7 | Battlefield 2: Special Forces PC
Battlefield 2; one of the greatest games of all time... but now, it just got better. Battlefield 2: Special Forces is a very fun, addicting and challenging game that will keep you on your toes playing against thousands of people online.

This game adds a whole new features such as six new forces, yeah six. Navy Seals, British SAS, Russian Spetznas, MEC Special Forces, Rebel groups and Insurgents, each with their own unique arsenal and tactics. When playing as the MEC, the rocket launcher thing is replaced with a new weapon, the RPG -7, my personal favorite weapon.

EIght new maps from dark night maps to desert city maps to a military sea base and even to an aircraft carrier [one of my favorites]. The new fewatures include night vission, some zip-lines, grappling hooks, flash bangs and some tear gas which rocks like no other.

The gameplay is just like Battlefield 2 just not as unbalanced as the original. On most, or all the maps, everything is pretty balanced. The multiplayer can get crazy sometimes when you play up to 64 players and you have helicopters flying around, gunfire everywhere; it is fun as hell. The gameplay is addicting as the original also. You will lose sleep trying to rank up and get weapon unlocks along with badges and ribbons and medals.

There is around ten new vehicles in the game, including the fast and hard to shoot ATV and the desert raider and the apache longbow. All this vehicles play an important role in the game. Such as, if you want to be the first to a flag, get on a ATV and hall ass.

The graphics and sound are still as good as Battlefield 2. It is absolutely stunning and graphically beautiful. The visuals and sound of everything is superb. From the water to the detail of the buildings and weapons, all are superb.

With the newest patch out now, a new mode is out that is co-op. A very exciting and fun mode to mess around with and have fun with. You can create a local-server and just play byself or with a friend by lan and you can choose how many bots you want and how hard the difficulty is for them.

Overall, a very beautiful and stunning expansion to an already amazing game. For the low price of 19.99, it is definately worth the price of over 100 or more hours os addictive multiplayer gameplay.