Better then Call of Duty

User Rating: 9 | Battlefield 2 PC
When I first bought this game I was highly disappointed. I had just finished a long, long Call of Duty-athon and wanted something similarly in your face action. Instead I found a squad based game full of excellently balanced classes and epic vehicles. At the time this was not what I wanted to see. It immediately went there on my shelf until a few weeks ago. Maybe I just played some bad servers but all I seemed to do was wander around on my own doing nothing and driving vehicles that immediately got blown to smitherines by low flying fighter-bombers.

Now that I've played it again expecting it for what it is I have been pleasantly suprised. With enough people on the server and with a good map (aka Gulf of Oman) it can get more epic then Modern Warfare 2. What rammed it home for me was when me and my Marine chums were launching an Apocalypse Now style helicopter raid on the Chinese. The sight of swarms of choppers all moving in to seize the capture points was unparalleled, especially from the door gunner's view that I had. Or the time when I grabbed a chopper, flew it over a capture point, bailed out and parachuted safely to the ground only to land on a roof, fall off and die. Things get epic fast in that game but the feeling that you are part of a wider war never leaves.

Even being five years old this game rarely shows its age. Though there have been some unexplained crashes to desktop and missed server connections the game rarely disappoints. In my opinion (and I have played many FPS games) this is one of the classics. Tons of people worldwide still play it and there are many servers with sufficient numbers of people for enjoyment. This is undoubtably a quality game and as it is so old it can easily be bought cheaply.