Brilliant but underrated game

User Rating: 10 | Battlefield 2: Modern Combat PS2
Brilliant game but got a low rating because they compare it to the Pc version Battlefield 2. I love this game and i always playing it online and i still am. the controls are good and easy to remember but everyone complains about it. The only flaws are the single player mode and the number of Glitches and Glitchers online. the online team killers are a problem to but people cam vote them.there are some vehicles that you can ONLY find online.But the worst problem in the game is the AI its like watching the looney tunes trying to act serious.this game is Not and i repeat Not for people without a Ethernet Adaptor (Network Adapter)on their playstation people with the slim PS2 have a built in one so they just need a Ethernet Cable. which you can purchase at Pc world or the game.I am Willing to help any new battlefield player My account name is AK_47_[AKZ47].