Bad single player, great multiplayer. Personally i would give the multiplayer an 8.5, but the single player i give a 3.5

User Rating: 7.5 | Battlefield 2: Modern Combat X360
Singelplayer is horrible, you don't do much more than back and forth with an electronic team. Multiplayer is when you should get ready for battle. It has a whole bunch of different things you can do, and you can get unlocks which i dont really like, but its ok. Overall a good game. I also think you should not have to unlock extra weapons and other things because then the better players get to have all of the fun while those who are just starting get zilch! But i do like that it is easy to level up, i cannot get the unlocks on pc for somereason and i have 1 on 360. can any1 help me with this? And another thing, what do i do if i want to fly a helicopter, i normally adapt quickly to games, but this one... well lets just say it is not perfect. for some reason i dont rotate forward, and i keep crashing. well if this were a perfect game, it would have a single player with mission objectives, and the game's course would be affected by what you do, not all preprogrammed.